So, I'm not one to usually complain, but I am so stinkin' tired lately. Jason has been super busy lately and Arianna is sick (again). So, she's up all night...meaning I'm up all night. However, in light of this negativity (is that a word?!) I've been thinking of all the things I should be thankful for. So, I've made a list. If you have things you want to add, go for it.
1. My health and my families over all health. Yes, Arianna has an ear infection, but it could be so much worse. I'm thankful that it's curable, and not fatal.
2. My job -- I know that my job is a major cause of my stress (teaching 120 8th can that be stressful?!) but I"m still thankful. I work with wonderful people, and I"m blessed to have a job in this economy.
3. My family. All of which are wonderful. We are able to lean on one another when we need to and we are there for each other. It's just a huge source of comfort.
4. My friends. All of whom I can call up at any given moment, vent out my frustrations and have their response is "I'm praying for you" and I know that they mean it.
So, thanks for listening (or reading) all my thoughts. Don't worry, I'll get pictures posted soon. Hope you're all doing well.