Monday, January 25, 2010


Arianna has been saying the funniest stuff lately and I felt that I should get it down. She is really developing a personality of her own. She is very determined, kind of bossy, dramatic but on the other hand she is loving, sweet, kind, polite, and girly. She cracks me up daily and I am so blessed to be able to call her my daughter. Here is what she's been saying lately:
  1. The other night she asked me to call her Belle. When I asked her why she said 'well because mommy, I'm Belle. From Beauty and the Beast...didn't you know that?'
  2. As I was tucking her into bed I kissed her cheek and she said 'ah shucks, that was nice'
  3. Every time I enter a room she says, 'hello gorgeous' she does wonders for my self-esteem
  4. If I'm wearing a dress she tells me I look like a princess
  5. Jason ordered a new Iowa t-shirt and she looked at it and said, 'wow daddy that is some shirt. Go Hawks!'
  6. We went to Jason's game the other night. After the game the pep band played some tunes and she was dancing away. The next morning Jason asked her if she had fun at his basketball game. She look right at him and said, 'daddy, I didn't go to a basketball game. I went to hear the band!' A girl after my own heart
  7. Last night I was drinking pop. She asked me for a sip. I told her that she didn't like pop. She begged and begged assuring me she did like pop. So, I told her she could have a very little sip. After the sip she looked at me and said, ' were right. I don't like pop. It's fuzzy in my mouth'

ahh, out of the mouths of babes. She continually makes me laugh.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

having our cake...

this past weekend we celebrated the kids birthdays with my family. We waited until after the holidays because otherwise it's just too hectic. We did a breakfast (with cake) and had all the kids wear their PJ's (adults were welcome to as well!). It was so much fun. I think the best part was the cake...

Arianna enjoying some cake with my mom

The kids eating breakfast-- aren't they all cute in their PJ's?! Neal was a bit unsure to being with...

then...he realized that this was some gooooooood stuffand he loved every bite

Favorite Things...

Up North