Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day

Well, both Jason and I had a snow day yesterday. It was so nice to both be home. Arianna loved having both daddy and mommy home...she just ran around all day. She was so excited, she decided not to nap. :) In reality, she's not napping or sleeping well lately because she's getting 5 teeth. Yes, you read that correctly, 5 teeth. All four of her molars and one other tooth. The doctor perscribed some great numbing gel, which she loves, but it does wear off eventually and then she wakes up. Also, this week and next week are a little crazy for her because our daycare lady is out of town. So, she's being bumped around from one place to the next...please pray that she adjusts well. Hope you're all doing well and staying warm. I'll post pictures soon, our camera is acting rather funky, so we'll have to work on that.


Kristin said...

5 teeth! Yikes! I am glad that you were able to enjoy your snow day. I thought about calling but it was a crazy day for us. We need to figure out a time to get together SOON!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura! Cute new template! I changed ours too :} It's nice to see something different once in a while! Hope those little teeth come in quick! Poor thing :{ We had 2 snow days this week too. Take care! Hi to Pik! Kisses to Arianna!

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