Tuesday, June 23, 2009

what's a 6-letter word for why I haven't posted in a while?

stress. yup -- lots of stress over here. I have tons of pictures to upload, but haven't the time. Things have been crazy. Two major things:

  1. Our beautiful, brand new basement flooded with some major storms this past weekend. Jason was out of town so I was managing on my own.
  2. Our beautiful baby boy STILL WON'T SLEEP (which, really is the cause of most of my stress. Because, as you moms all know, when baby doesn't sleep...mommy doesn't sleep)I've been doing everything I know and today, I finally took him in to the doctor and both ears are infected. Darn.

so, I'm stressed. I'll post more later I promise. But now...I'm going to attempt to get some sleep.

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