Our brand-new beautiful basement flooded. There was the "100 year rain" and boy oh boy, did it rain. Thankfully my dad came over to help, but it was a little too late. The basement had water. We have lived here for 5 years with no water. We finish our basement and 6 months later, it floods. Typical. So, we've pulled out all the carpet, laid it out to dry and are waiting on estimates of putting the carpet back and getting new padding. I know...it could have been worse! It was just stressful because Jason was gone, two rather unhappy children who didn't like the storm, moving into my parents (because of no power)...you getting the idea?
On to better things. The following picture is one that I was SO excited to take. It is Arianna throwing away her antibiotics following the surgery. I am praying that this will be the last antibiotic that she needs to take!!! Very monumental!
and this is just a very pleasant sleep for our baby girl. For so long she struggled with sleeping. With her tonsils being so large, they impeded her sleep. No more! She sleeps soundly now...

Every morning, Arianna tells me how many "ponies" she wants in her hair. Sometimes, it's just one. Most of the time it's two, however, yesterday she asked for 4. Ask and ye shall receive...
Every morning, Arianna tells me how many "ponies" she wants in her hair. Sometimes, it's just one. Most of the time it's two, however, yesterday she asked for 4. Ask and ye shall receive...
I try to get creative with just one...Jason said she looked a little like "Bam-Bam" from the Flinestones. I thought more like Cindy-Lo-Who from The Grinch...
This is her with two -- once again, being creative.
This past week the weather has been so hot so my sister-in-law Arika invited us over for a playdate. Arianna loves going there because Claire is only 6 months older and they love playing together. She also loves playing with Lauren who a bit older. Lauren takes such good care of her! Here are her and Lauren sitting on the blanket enjoying a snack.
Big New for the boy: guess who's starting to sit on his own?! Seriously, I thought I was going to get a laid back child...looks like I'm in for some trouble just like his sister. Arianna was sitting by 6 months, crawling by 7 and walking by 9.5, I was so hoping that Neal would be a little more relaxed, but it doesn't look like he will. But, man he's cute, isn't he?
As I said: T-R-O-U-B-L-E...starting to think about crawling. sigh. My baby. (but honestly, aren't his buns the cutes with that whale on them?!) All he needs to do is figure out his arms and he'll be off. I'm giving him 3.5 weeks before he'll be crawling...but, I'm praying I'm wrong.

As I wrote last time, Neal had a double ear infection. You have no idea how sad this made me. I have been praying that Neal's health will be better than what Arianna's was. These early ear infection bring back horrible memories of long crying nights, lots of medicines and doctor visits...and eventually 2 surgeries. I am going to continue to pray that his ears/nose/throat will be better than hers...
As I wrote last time, Neal had a double ear infection. You have no idea how sad this made me. I have been praying that Neal's health will be better than what Arianna's was. These early ear infection bring back horrible memories of long crying nights, lots of medicines and doctor visits...and eventually 2 surgeries. I am going to continue to pray that his ears/nose/throat will be better than hers...
that's about all! Whew, I'm tired.