Sunday, December 30, 2007

Birthday Party -- She's ONE!!

I cannot believe how time flies. Arianna turned one on December 27th. It was a sad and exciting day at our household. Our baby is no longer a baby. She's walking, "talking", understanding and she's independent. It's such a blessing to watch her grow and develop, and yet it's so sad to see her grow (moms will understand what I mean by that!) Anyway, we were planning on having her birthday party on her birthday, but my entire family had the stomach flu. Yes, four of the six cousins, Uncle Drew, Grandma, Grandpa and Daddy all had the flu, so we postponed the party. We had her birthday party December 30th instead. She really didn't know the difference :) It was so fun. Everyone came over and we had BBQ and cake. Arianna wasn't nuts about either one, but everyone else loved the food. Here are some pictures.

Finally, here is a video of us singing "Happy Birthday" to Arianna. Please, pay no attention to my family's singing...we try.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday, Arianna! Hopefully we can see you this week.

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