Thursday, October 25, 2007

When life hands you lemons...

So, this week has been another busy week. We have parent teacher conferences this week. So, last night my conferences were from 4pm-8:30pm. When they were FINALLY done, I walked out to my car only to find it dead. So, a few of the teachers from school tried to jump it, but that didn't work. I called Jason, who called my brother, who came over to sit at our house while Jason drove the 35 minutes out to my work at 9:15pm. When he finally arrived at 9:50pm we called my dad who gave us one more suggestion and it worked. The car started. Jason and I then made the long trek home. Now, I guess we could all look at that situation like it seriously sucked. What horrible timing and WHY DID THAT HAVE TO HAPPEN? But, I think God wants us to always find good in life so this is how I'm thinking of it...thank God for two very kind co-workers who were willing to sit with me and try new things to get my car started, even though they were very tired and very cold. Thank God for a kind brother who was willing to come and sit at our house while my husband had to come and rescue me. Thank God for a dad who can fix a car, over the phone. Finally, thank God for a husband who was willing to drive all the way to my work, at night, exhausted, and not say a word when the car started one minute after he arrived. See, there' s always lemonade when there's lemons. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Laura ~ I am glad that everything ended up working out. Thanks for the reminder to make lemonade...I am not always good at that.

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