However, after Jake and Sam see this photo of Arianna I'm guessing neither of them will be interested... some days you just gotta dig for it...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Weekend happenings...
This weekend we had some friends over for pizza on Saturday night. This couple has two little boys and Arianna is smack in the middle of them. We've decided that she can have her choice when she gets older...either go for the younger man (Sam) or the older man (Jake). Currently, it seems like she's going for the younger one...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ever have one of those experiences that makes you humble? Lately, I've had a lot. I realize how blessed I am. I realize that God has spared me so much grief and pain...and that I am lucky (I don't like using that word in reference to God, but I don't have another one...) Let me share my stories of what makes me humble. I have a friend. She's amazing. She's a wonderful mother and wife. She's also a pretty darn good friend. She listens when I complain, she laughs with me and she cries with me. All the while, I know she's hurting. She lost her baby 10 days after his birth. It's been 2 years, but that pain, it will never go away. I didn't understand until I had Arianna. She humbles me. Is she angry, yup, you bet; but she still lives her life. She lives her life with joy and happiness...not anger. I think that I would be stumbling if I were in that situation, but not her. Her story, humbles me. I have another friend. Her husband is very sick right now. Not just the kind of sick with the flu bug, no...he's terminally ill. He has cystic fibrosis. He's in the hospital, sedated, on a ventilator, waiting for a double lung transplant. Did I mention, she has 2 year old twins at home. Yet, she says that this is in God's hands and she trusts in Him. I don't know if I could do that. Her faith, it humbles me. On days like today, where I feel like complaining because I'm tired and I need a vacation, I think of these people in my life (whom I love) and life is pretty darn amazing. I have a beautiful home. A good job. A husband who is healthy (and even though he's addicted to ESPN...) he's a great dad and a great husband. I am healthy. Arianna is beautiful and healthy...and she's here. I am humbled.
If any of you are interested in reading about my friend who's husband is sick and praying for her, check out her blog: She needs some prayers. If you want to check out an amazing blog about cystic fibrosis (and be ready to shed some tears) check out: It's an amazing story.
I hope you're all doing well. As I look back at this post, I see that it's not so bad...being humbled. I am blessed.
If any of you are interested in reading about my friend who's husband is sick and praying for her, check out her blog: She needs some prayers. If you want to check out an amazing blog about cystic fibrosis (and be ready to shed some tears) check out: It's an amazing story.
I hope you're all doing well. As I look back at this post, I see that it's not so bad...being humbled. I am blessed.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Fun Weekend
Even though it snowed over Easter, we had such a fun weekend. On Friday night we just stayed home and played (mainly because of the massive snow storm outside) and on Saturday we just played around the house as well. On Saturday evening Jason and I got a babysitter to go out for dinner with our Bible Study group from church. It was such a fun and relaxing dinner. It's amazing how much easier it is to go out without Arianna! On Sunday we went to church and then to my parents house for Easter dinner. It was the perfect weekend...even though it was snowing. Did I mention that?! SNOW ON EASTER?! Oh well. So, I have a few pictures to post. The first few are what happens when a one-year old is left unattended in the kitchen. I swear, she's like the ocean, never turn your back...two words...baking soda.

The video is of me trying to clean up the mess of baking soda. She loves the vacuum now...she thinks it's quite funny.
Here is a photo of her in her Easter dress. It really wasn't her Easter dress, but it was too cold to wear her real Easter dress. Jason said she looked like the Wicked Witch of the West with the striped tights and red shoes, but I say he doesn't know fashion! Oh and yes, that's a dog treat she has in her hands...yes she tried to eat it herself, but no, she did not manage to eat it herself.

Monday, March 17, 2008
I know that the Easter bunny is not the true reason to celebrate Easter, but Arianna made these ears at daycare cute

Now on to the real reason for the season...we should to be so joyful during this time. We are so blessed that our Savior loves us so much that he would send his child to earth, to die for us and that son conquered death to save us each from our sins. Our hearts should be bursting with joy...

This is Arianna, showing pure joy!

Now on to the real reason for the season...we should to be so joyful during this time. We are so blessed that our Savior loves us so much that he would send his child to earth, to die for us and that son conquered death to save us each from our sins. Our hearts should be bursting with joy...

This is Arianna, showing pure joy!
Momma Bear...
Every mother has the instinct to protect their child...I call that the momma bear syndrome. My momma bear has had to be put into high gear lately. The last few nights Arianna has been waking again and she just isn't herself. Last time at the doctor they said it was "normal" for her to still have fluid on her ears, but they would give me a referral to an ENT (I think our doctor was getting scared of seeing my full-on momma bear). I call the ENT, April my brain I'm thinking that's not too far off. Seriously?! Where is my brain?! Oh right, I'm totally sleep depraved, so I think that April 11 isn't too far away, or maybe I'm just clinging to that date because that means it's almost spring break; either way, April 11 is far off. As I rocked my crying baby to sleep last night, as she rubbed her ears with her big blue eyes staring at me my momma bearness took over. I cried with her pain. I wanted to take it away, I wanted the pain in my own ears, not hers. What has she, my beautiful baby girl, ever done to deserve such constant pain in her ears and have no one do one darn thing about it?! This morning I made my up my mind. I called the ENT, said April 11 is unacceptable, it's too far away. I wanted something sooner. April 2. Not a ton better, but we're getting there. I'm going to call back again tomorrow...and again and again until I can get her in. I don't care what they think, I'm momma bear, hear me roar. All other momma bears out there, you know what I'm talking about.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Just a quick update...
Lots of people have been asking about Arianna and her health (thank you!!!!) She's doing better. She's actually sleeping through the night again, praise the Lord! We have an appointment with the ENT on April 11. We're hoping for some answers at the point in time. Until then, we'll keep chugging along. Thank you for all your concerns, advice and prayers. They have been felt. Thanks again.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Just some news...
Well, we made it through last week. We both had parent/teacher conferences and Jason had basketball game AND I had musical rehearsal. Things went pretty well. Jason's basketball team won and now they move onto quarter-finals on Tuesday. Because of that, we moved Arianna's doctor appointment up to Friday. So, we went to the doctor this past Friday. Her left ear is 90% clear from infection and her right ear is 45% clear. This is a huge improvement because at her last visit both were 100% blocked and her right ear drum had burst. So...there is improvement. Our doctor did agree that a visit to an ENT would be a good move. I have to call on Monday to get her appointment. I feel like we are moving in the right direction. I've been told by many people that these ENT's are the best around, so I'm very pleased. The weather here is FINALLY starting to warm up (if you can call 30's warming up) but it's getting there. At least there has been sunshine lately! We're all getting spring fever big time. The other day Jason took Arianna outside in her sled, it was hard to tell if she liked it. She had the same stoic expression on her face the entire time. She looked darn cute in her snow outfit...

Her new favorite toy is our phone. She is always trying to get it and wants to "talk" on it. She holds it up to her ear and says "ello?!"

Finally, I just thought this picture was cute. Huge smile and snot running out of her nose. That's just her
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