Happy Birthday Sweet Boy
(actually, his birthday is December 30, I'm a day late)
One year ago, you came into our lives and changed our family. You melted my heart from the moment that I laid eyes on you. By FAR the most handsome boy ever. You are so sweet and affectionate. We love you buddy!
- Right now: You are walking very well (you started walking around 9 months), you love only table foods, are very attached to your paci, you love balls, you smile all the time and have a very infectious giggle, and you love your milk
- Your favorites: mac-n-cheese, hotdogs, milk, balls, chasing your sister, your blue doggie and blanket, your paci, and your mommy (HUGE mommy's boy, but that's okay!)
we love you sweet boy. I cannot wait to see what your future holds!