Tuesday, September 15, 2009


sorry it's been so long, here are just a few updates. I'll post pictures soon!

Neal Updates:
still not sleeping the best. We're getting there. He finally popped his top two teeth, so that makes 4!!! He LOVES crawling around and pulling himself up to the standing position. We've been working on 'so big' and waving bye-bye. He is always happy during the day and adores his big sister.

Arianna Updates:
She is getting more and more grown up by the minute! She seems so old to me! She talks non-stop and it amazes me what she can comprehend. She loves to color, play outside and read books. She also loves singing!! Her current favorites are Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, The Tree Song, Belle, and the Iowa Fight Song ;) We are trying (desperately) to potty train. She loves to sit on the potty and she says that she's going, but...not yet. We're hoping someday soon!!

Family Updates:
Jason and I are back to work. School is going well for the both of us. I think we're finally getting back to the fall schedule. I'm doing the musical again this year; we just finished up with auditions last week. This year's show is Beauty and the Beast which is why one of Arianna's favorite songs is Belle. She loves dressing up as Belle and dancing -- it's very cute. We have a new nanny this year and it's going amazing. It's SO NICE not to have to get the kids up in the morning and Arianna loves having Miss Anna to her house. It's wonderful and a true blessing.

That's about it. I promise...pictures soon!

Favorite Things...

Up North